Hey, PA! eFiling is on the way!
All of the material you find on this page and throughout our website is meant to help the world learn a bit about electronic filing. The information on this website and the content of our webinars are not endorsed by the Pennsylvania Bar Association or by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts.
So… What could eFiling look like?
While we cannot see the future, we can see the past. Over the past 10 years,
we have helped more than 200 trial courts move from paper filings and paper
record searching to secure, reliable, and fast eFiling and eAccess.
In 2014, only one of Georgia’s 159 county courts offered any sort of
eFiling. That year, we introduced PeachCourt – an eFiling and eAccess
solution that works for any county court of any size and any level of
technical resources.
Each elected official who oversees one of Georgia’s trial courts is
responsible for choosing the “right” technology and designing the “right”
processes. What is “right” for one county might not be “right” at all for
another. Our approach to eFiling and eAccess is to respect each court’s
decisions and to adapt as much as possible to what’s already working there.
Every day, tens of thousands of attorneys and legal professionals rely on
PeachCourt. We earn and re-earn their loyalty by providing an extremely
useful product and an outstanding team of professionals to support them
every step of the way.
We invite you to learn more about PeachCourt and to hear from our customers
by watching the videos below.
Take a tour of PeachCourt and imagine the possibilities!

GreenCourt customers in their own words